DWI Education Program - 12 hours 3 - 4 hour sessions $100* (*Pre-Pay, $120 when paid the 1st day of class) Specific course topics include alcohol/drug and traffic safety problems, Texas laws relating to DWI, effects of alcohol/drugs on humans, alcohol/drugs and driving task abilities, chemical dependency, symptoms of dependency, sources of assistance, costs of DWI, and decision-making.
12 Hr DWI List Item 2Drug Offender Program 15 hours 5 - 3 hour sessions $125* (*$135 on 1st day of class) The standardized program is 15 hours in length and is designed to increase the knowledge of drug offenders by educating them on the dangers of drug abuse and associated illegal activities, to identify their own individual drug-use patterns
15 Hr Drug Offender List Item 3NEW Shoplifting/Theft 8-hour (1 Day) Session 8 am to 4:30 pm $125 Court ordered Shoplifting/Theft classes for Offenders with court/probation ordered conditions for Shoplifting or Theft. This course is presented in a factual educational manner to help participants make better decisions regarding self improvement, values, and responsibility. Other areas of focus are goal establishment, choices and consequences, and stress management. Upon completion of the course, the participant is presented with a certificate.
8 Hr Theft List Item 4Anger Management 8-hour sessions (1 Day) $125 Court ordered Anger Management/Assault classes for misdemeanor Offenders with court/probation ordered conditions. The course is also offered to those who want to attend for their personal benefit. This course is presented in a factual educational manner to help participants make better decisions regarding the violence, self control, confrontation. Other areas of focus are goal establishment, choices and consequences, values, and control of emotions. Upon completion of the course, the participant is presented with a certificate.
8 Hr Anger ManagementAlcohol & Other Drug Awareness 8 hours $125* This program is 8 hours in length and is designed to make students aware of specific problems that being under the influence create and then what consequences follow such actions.
8 Hr AODVictim Impact Panel (VIP) 2 hours $35 This program is 2 hours in length and is designed to increase the awareness of participants by educating them on the impact that alcohol and/or drug use has on other individuals in society. Victims, family members and offenders share their stories and experiences
2 Hr VIPParenting Skills 4-hour sessions $75 Parenting Skills is based on helping parents establish healthier, more balanced relationships with their children. Throughout the course, you’ll learn skills that will benefit your relationship with your children, your partner, and yourself. Upon completion of our Parenting Skills course, we are confident that you’ll not only feel a greater sense of control over your own life, but that others will notice the changes you’ve made in your behavior
4 Hr Parenting SkillsRecovery coaching is a form of strengths-based support for persons with addictions or in recovery from alcohol, other drugs, codependency, or other addictive behaviors. Recovery coaches work with persons with active addictions as well as persons already in recovery. Recovery coaches are helpful for making decisions about what to do with your life and the part your addiction or recovery plays. Recovery coaches help clients find ways to stop addiction (abstinence), or reduce harm associated with addictive behaviors. Recovery coaches can help a client find resources for harm reduction, detox, treatment, family support and education, local or online support groups; or help a client create a change plan to recover on their own. Recovery coaches do not offer primary treatment for addiction, do not diagnose, and are not associated with any particular method or means of recovery. Recovery coaches support any positive change, helping persons coming home from treatment to avoid relapse, build community support for recovery, or work on life goals not related to addiction such as relationships, work, education etc. Recovery coaching is action oriented with an emphasis on improving present life and reaching goals for the future.
Recovery coaching is unlike most therapies because coaches do not address the past, do not work to heal trauma, and there is little emphasis on feelings. Recovery coaches are unlike licensed addiction counselors in that coaches are non-clinical and do not diagnose or treat addiction or any mental health issues.
Employer Services - Affordable Small Business Solutions Substance abuse costs business millions of dollars annually due to related absenteeism, tardiness, accidents, sickness and theft. An effective drug-free workplace policy can dramatically reduce many of these problems. Alcohol Education Services Employer Services offers assistance in reviewing or establishing drug free workplace policies, training supervisors to recognize signs, intervene, communicate of substance abuse, and also manage performance problems. Assisting supervisors to resolve immediate work site problems through phone consultation with experienced professionals. We conduct educational seminars and supervisory training at our locations or on-site at your workplace. We offer Drug & Alcohol Awareness training for your employees. We will help develop and oversee a Patient Monitoring system for employers. We advise on last chance agreements between employers and workers, as well as consults on all aspects of an employee's reintegration into the workforce.
License flagged due to an out of state DWI? Don’t take a chance with delaying it even more. We specialize in quickly resolving out of state cases. We work with the issuing state’s organization and have a successful track record in getting a quick turn around.
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